Software Development Projects

Nearshore your software development projects to another company or hire an in-house dev team?

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

What to choose in 2021?

Nearshoring software development projects is a business trend that will keep expanding.

In the past, most of the companies choose to nearshore their projects with cost reduction as a basic goal. Today this reason is important but is not a priority. Now the most priority is accessing the top talents worldwide and most innovative technologies.

The 3 key advantages of nearshoring software development projects are:

  • Cost reduction. Searching and recruiting experienced and talented developers is difficult, expensive, and takes a lot of time. By hiring nearshoring team, these costs you can avoid.

  • Fast time to market. Building an internal team will take you much more time and resources. In the best scenario recruiting an experienced specialist takes about 2-3 months. With hiring nearshoring team, the software development projects can start right at the moment. And accelerate the time to market your product.

  • Proven experienced teams. Your nearshore team has the experience and had worked on many different projects. They know how to communicate efficiently and define their goals to deliver the best result possible. Your team can be expanded with a project manager, quality assurance engineers, etc.

The 3 potential risks that you should consider are:

There are also a several risks from nearshoring your software development projects and you should consider them before you begin the work process.

  • Communication issues. Partnering with a company with an entirely different time zone can bring some potential issues with communication.
  • Limited control over the team. Nearshoring the critical task of building your project can be risky, because of the limited control that you have. But, still it is important to keep in mind that these nearshoring teams follow project management standards with frequent communication.

  • Limited motivation. It is easy to monitor in house team. Monitoring nearshoring team is a challenging process. The best solution to this problem is to collaborate with a team where each developer works exclusively on your project.

The answer to avoiding the potential risks is to collaborate and sign a contract with a reliable company with a team of experienced developers.

The team at Nearshore Macedonia put a lot of effort to have good and frequent communication with clients, deliver the best results and follow all management standards in the software development process. Our quality assurance engineer is here to test the projects before the final finish. We are also an ISO 27001 certified company, which means that your sensitive information is safe with partnering with us.

Contact Us for more information about our experienced team and our finished projects.

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